As we approach almost a year of on-off lockdown, Issue 3 is a collection of perspectives on the concept of home; personally, locally, nationally, globally.

‘Home is not a place, but a feeling’, they say, and for many of us home is a shelter, a retreat, permission to be vulnerable. But it isn’t always a space of peace and comfort. For others, home is a longed-for place, ‘the mouth of a shark’, a threat.

In a collective sense home is belonging, validation and heritage. Home can be a source of collective pride or a source of collective shame. And of course, all beings on Earth share one home, a thing to be protected.

As an independent magazine that does not earn any income from advertising, we have a modest budget for a select few articles.

We’re open to all submissions, but we’d very much like to publish writing about the experience of living in or escaping a war zone; the Grenfell fire and its ongoing investigation; patriotism, and the government’s handling of Covid-19 and all that comes with it. We’d also like to publish a funny essay.

Ash is: Independent. Intersectional. Telling stories. A more honest read.

Please submit your pitch by March 1st to

Please don’t be offended if you don’t receive a response straight away.

 Issue 3 pitch submissions